Phototherapy & Photodynamic Therapy

Phototherapy and Photodynamic Therapy

Light and its respective wavelengths can be used to treat a number of dermatological conditions like psoriasis, eczema, vitiligo, itchy skin and precancerous actinic keratoses.

We have a number of devices and lasers that can effectively deliver the optimal wavelength of light with or without a photosensitizing agent to treat skin conditions

We have a full-body Daavlin narrow-band UVB box for psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis, itchy skin and related rashes. We also have Daavlin narrow-band UVB hand-foot units for when these conditions affect the hands or feet.

We have an Xtrac narrow-band UVB excimer laser for treating focal areas of psoriasis, vitiligo, or eczema at higher intensities.

We perform Blue-Light Photodynamic Therapy (PDT) to treat precancerous actinic keratoses.